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‘Signs’ you may have gluten intolerance

Are you feeling tired and headachy, and your digestive system is off. Maybe you have some other symptoms: a rash, dandruff, a feeling that you’re operating in a depressed and disorganized manner. And maybe you’ve been trying to get pregnant, but it’s not working … and you have no...


10 Common Pelvic Conditions Every Female Should Know About

Read this article till the end to find out about 10 common pelvic conditions every female should know about. 1) Polycystic Ovary Syndrome: Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is one of the major causes leading to infertility. It is a hormonal disorder in which ovaries produce more male hormones (androgens)...


10 Effective Tips to Keep your Liver Healthy

What foods are good for liver repair? How to keep your liver healthy? How do you strengthen your liver? Read to know ten effective tips to keep your liver healthy. Its true whatever we eat it affects our body, especially our liver.  The liver is the powerhouse of the...


10 Natural Ways to Deal with PMS (Premenstrual Syndrome)

Women experience a group of physical and emotional symptoms such as abdominal bloating, breast tenderness, loss of appetite, fatigue, depression, and anxiety one or two weeks before their menstrual period. For some, they are just the signal that their period will start soon but for others, these symptoms are...


10 Tips To Stay Healthy During the Winter Season

Here are ten easy tips to stay healthy and fit during the cold and chilling days of the winter season. Tips To Stay Healthy During the Winter Season


10+ Reasons To Drink Green Tea

The craze of green tea among population is increasing day by day. It is believed that sipping on green tea cleanses, heals and rejuvenates our body from within. Read all the health benefits of Green Tea and how it helps in a number of diseases. Studies have found that...


11 Natural Tips To Prevent Hair Loss

Every day we lose around 50-100 strands of our hair and these strands will be replaced by new ones. 85% of our hair will increase its length and the remaining will stay in a relaxing stage. There is nothing to worry about losing few hair strands, and in


12 Delicious Healthy Treats To Eat Sweet, Still Stay Fit!

Eating tasty desserts doesn’t mean you cannot stay fit. You can opt for healthier desserts too. Read this article till the end to find out all the healthy sweet treats to eat sweet and still stay fit. Eat Sweet, Still Stay Fit!


12 Effective Tips to Prevent Vaginal Yeast Infection

According to Wikipedia, Vaginal yeast infection, also known as candidal vulvovaginitis and vaginal thrush, is excessive growth of yeast in the vagina that results in irritation. Read this article to know 12 effective tips to prevent vaginal yeast infection.


14 Things to Ensure Before Planning a Baby

Are you planning a baby? If the answer is yes then, you should start preparing your body at least a month before conceiving as it will help in a healthier pregnancy, healthy baby and helps in recovering after delivery with more ease. Below are the things you should do...


15 Endometriosis Facts You Must Know

Endometriosis is a condition where the endometrial tissue appear outside the uterus resulting in dysmenorrhea and pelvic pain. Read this article to know 15 endometriosis facts. 1. Getting Pregnant can provide symptomatic relief to the patient but it is not a permanent solution or a cure to Endometriosis. 2....


17 Foods That Resemble Your Body Parts And Their Benefits

Every child has heard the healthy-eating mantra “You are what you eat.” But there may be a closer resemblance between good-for-you grub and your body than you thought. Some foods both resemble and nourish specific organs. Ancient herbalists who observed nature believed the appearance of natural things gave clues...


4 Effective Ways To Keep Mind Healthy

Mental health is a most important aspect of living a healthy life... It's our overall psychological well-being. it is essential to take steps to improve our emotional or psychological health. Few steps can help in boosting our mood, releasing stress, anxiety and adding enjoyment to life. Read this...


5 Adverse Effects Of Excess Salt Intake

Excess salt intake through food can cause a damaging effect on overall health. We need salt because salt raises the amount of sodium in our body which is important for muscle contractions and nerve transmissions but excess intake can be more serious and dangerous.


5 Best Exercises for Tennis Elbow

Tennis elbow is a musculoskeletal condition that includes pain around the outer part of the elbow. It is clinically known as lateral epicondylitis. Tennis elbow is mainly caused due to repetitive overuse of muscles and tendons of the forearm near the elbow joint which causes the tiny tear in...


5 Best Remedies for Vaginal Yeast Infection

Vaginal yeast infection is the most common vaginal infection caused by Candida albicans (a type of fungus). It is also known as vulvovaginal candidiasis, candidal vaginitis, yeast vaginitis.


5 Easy Tips to Burn More Fat Naturally

To lose weight, a person needs to burn more calories than they consume. The best way to do this is by eating less and exercising more. Here are a few tips to burn more fat naturally To lose weight, a person needs to burn more calories than they take...


5 Easy Ways to Have a Healthy Liver

The liver is a very essential organ of the body as it performs a variety of needed tasks in our body. It helps to keep healthy metabolism or maintaining health. It is the best way to take prior precautions to fight against liver disease. Read this article till the...


5 Effective Ways To Manage Bedwetting

Bedwetting is a common problem in children. Read the article to know how to control and manage bedwetting effectively. In young adult’s bedwetting and urine incontinence is the common problem. It is a frustrated, discomfort or embarrassing activity in a individual. It gives rise to several skin ailments due...


5 Excellent Health Benefits of Yogurt

Yogurt is popular not just because of its taste but also for its nutritional values. If on one hand, it is rich in taste and cream, same on the other hand its benefits on health are beyond imagination. It is the powerhouse of calcium and protein. Read along to...


5 Foods To Avoid If You Have A Bad Kidney

Food acts as fuel which makes our body to work. Our body depends on food what we eat. kidneys are bean-shaped organs which performs many important functions of body, helps in filtering blood, removing waste through urine, producing hormones, balancing minerals and maintaining fluid balance.


5 Health Benefits of Drinking Alcohol

Excess alcohol drinking is not healthy but recent studies have shown that mild to moderate alcohol intake is beneficial for health. It should be noted that alcohol consumption and its benefits differ based on every individual’s body type and their constitution. Read this article till the end to find...


5 Health Problems Caused Due To Lack Of Exercise

A lots of health problems can results from a lack of exercise varies from weight gain to cardiovascular diseases. Physical activity plays an important part in your health and well-being irrespective of our age. Our bones, joints and muscles will get stronger and healthier even if we walk for...


5 Hobbies That Can Improve Your Health

Now days, most people have manic schedules with work, school, family, and personal responsibilities. When you pursue a hobby, like dance class or taking a painting class, you’ve made a commitment to someone to show up and participate. Taking a few hours each week to pursue your passions restores...


5 Reasons Breastfeeding is the Best Feeding

Breast milk is considered as the best food for a baby during life’s first year. Breastfed babies are healthier than the ones who don’t take breastfeed, they have more health problems than the babies having mother’s feed. Read this article to know the wonderful benefits of breastfeeding. Mother’s feed...


5 Serious Side Effects of Chewing Gums

Are you having a habit of chew gum to relieve bad breath? Are you chew it as a stress reliever or to avoid food cravings? If yes, then you are inviting unnecessarily health hazards and it is better to off this habit of chewing gums. We have many negative...


5 Tips to Manage and Treat Lice

Every child is fond of playing and like to stay in a company of friends but this play may lead to some unwanted health complaints including lice. Lice is somewhere embarrassing factor for any individual. In this article find the 5 easy tips to manage and treat lice. 5...


5 Ways To Improve Memory At Old Age

I just forget to call someone? I forget the name of one of my relatives? I forget where I keep my money? When you start forgetting little things in daily routine which you used to do daily, there are few signs that you becoming old and losing your memory...


6 Amazing Benefits of Chocolate

Due to its bad reputation for causing weight gain, a number of health benefits may be associated with this delicious treat. Chocolate is loaded with nutrients and have positive effect on your health. Read this article till the end to find out the amazing benefits of chocolate. Some salient...


6 Effective Ways To Relieve Bloating

Bloating is the most uncomfortable experience which would be faced by everyone at some point. There are so many ways to reduce or prevent bloating either by doing exercises, supplements and massages even simple lifestyle changes can prevent bloating from reoccurring. Bloating causes abdominal fullness and tightness occurs due...


6 Reasons Why Coffee is Good For Skin

Many people rely on the morning cup of coffee on a daily basis to boost energy and metabolism. It is an alternative remedy for the skin as coffee consist of nutrients and can provide antioxidants internally, which may good for skin, scalp, and hair. It can also be used...


6 Side Effects of Keto Diet & How To Minimize Them

Read this article till the end to find out what is keto diet, the side effects of keto diet and finally the ways in which you can minimize the side-effects of keto diet. Low carb Koto Diet has become a trend for weight loss in recent days. It involves...


6 Simple Activities to Reduce Stammering

Stammering or commonly known as stuttering are caused due to an interruption to the flow of speech. A person with stammering speech tried so hard to speak properly as they are tense. In this article, we have listed seven simple activities to reduce stammering. Adopt a positive attitude generally,...


6 Super Health Benefits of Broccoli

Broccoli is rich in nutrients, minerals, fibre, and antioxidants. it is most nutritional vegetables among all, and closely related to a family of cabbage. Broccoli is the most needed vegetable to add on our diet. Read this article till the end to find out the super amazing benefits of...


7 Amazing Health Benefits of Hazelnuts

Hazelnuts are loaded with nutrients, including vitamins, minerals, antioxidant compounds, and healthy fats. They may have lots of health benefits, including helping decrease blood fat levels, regulating blood pressure, reducing inflammation and improving blood sugar levels, among others. All in all, hazelnuts are an excellent and delicious source of...


7 Bad Effects of Skipping Your Breakfast

We are so busy in our daily life, we forget that our health is the most important thing. We often hear about breakfast being the most important meal of the day but why? How by eat something, even a small meal can make a difference to your day?...


7 Certain Ways to Prevent STD

Prevention is better than cure. Know more how to prevent an STD infection and save oneself from deadly infections. Here are some certain ways to prevent STD. An infection which is transmitted through sexual contact, caused by bacteria, viruses or parasites is called as Sexually Transmitted diseases or commonly...


7 Easy Ways to Relieve Winter Itch On Skin

Most of us experience chronic feeling of dry skin in the winter months, it brings a dry, irritated and itchy skin from time to time. In few people the dryness is so severe that the skin becomes cracked and inflamed and discomfort becomes severe. Here are 7 easy yet...


7 Food Habits to Decrease Your Creatinine Level

Creatinine is a breakdown product of creatine which is an important part of muscles. Diet plays an important role to reduce creatinine levels. Eating large amounts of protein can increase creatinine levels. So, it is better to reduce your protein intake as a first step to improve raised creatinine....


7 Harmful Effects of Alcohol On Our Body

How alcohol is bad for health? What can alcohol do to our body? Read some harmful effects of alcohol on the human body. Alcohol have a straight way affect our brain, after few seconds it takes our senses away, makes us unconscious and our brain cells slow down in...


7 Health Problems Due to Anger & How to Manage It!

Your emotional health is one of the keys to keeping the body stay healthy. Every feeling affects some part of your body. While positive emotions such as gratitude have number of beneficial health effects, negative emotions and stress can cause negative impact on the health of your body. Anger...


7 Natural Ways to Defeat Allergies

An allergy is an immune system response to a foreign substance that’s not typically harmful to your body. Find out the ways to defeat allergies. Symptoms of allergies include itching in eyes and skin, sneezing, nasal obstruction, wheezing, and rash. Seasonal allergies occur from grass, weed, tree pollen, or molds. Cat...


7 Overlooked Reasons Behind Belly Fat

Belly fat and obesity are important concern of life. They may cause many health issues. Read more article to know about reasons behind belly fat. Excess fat is an indication of the diseased body in most of the cases, in the same manner, Belly fat is also considered as...


7 Reasons Why you Gain Weight Before and During Periods

1) Premenstrual Syndrome Premenstrual syndrome starts one or two weeks before period and its most common symptoms are food cravings, bloating anxiety, and depression which results in increased hunger and cravings for salty and sugary foods. As a result, by the end of the PMS phase, you might have...


7 Reasons Why You Should Not Google Your Symptoms!

It has become an ongoing trend to self diagnose using internet. Thanks to certain innovations everyone of us has easy access to internet whenever and wherever we want. You must know the hazards of self diagnosis and self medication. One should not rely on Google’s diagnosis. Put simply, here...


7 Surprising Reasons for Excessive Hunger

Why we are hungry all the time? Here we have few causes of frequent hunger. Read more article to know the reasons for excessive hunger. Food is an essential part of our life, everyone feels hungry in their daily routine. An empty stomach may cause a headache, weakness, lack...


7 Unexpected Side-Effects of Contraceptive Pills

Know more facts about contraceptive pills, it’s side effects on a health. With the positives, there are some side-effects of contraceptive pills as well. Oral contraceptive pills are adopted by worldwide women. This is considered a good method to avoid unwanted pregnancy. It can also help in improving menses...


7 Ways to Lower High Triglycerides

Seven ways to lower high triglycerides. Triglycerides are common type of fat. Find out the ways to reduce triglycerides in your blood. It is the most common type of fat in the body. The food that people eat, from animal or plant sources, can disturb triglycerides level in your...


8 Bad Effects of Prolonged Sitting

Our body is designed for regular movement but most of us spend their time on chairs working all day long in front of the computer. But do we all know the bad effects of too much sitting


8 Health Benefits of Regular Exercise

The health benefits of regular exercise and physical activity are hard to ignore. A minimum of 30 minutes a day can allow us to enjoy happier, healthier life. Exercise benefits everyone regardless of age, sex or physical ability, it reduce the risk of developing several diseases and helps you...