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Testosterone Test

What is the Testosterone Test? Why is the test done? Everything around this, that you should know, in this post and of course our doctors are always there to help you. Just fill in your details in the form down below and we will answer all your questions for FREE!

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    What is a testosterone test?

    This test measures the amount of testosterone in the blood.

    Also Read: Estrogen Test
    What is testosterone?

    It is primarily a male sex hormone that plays a key role in the development of reproductive tissues like the testes and prostate. A small amount of testosterone is also present in females also.
    It is made by the:

    • Testicles in the male reproductive system make sperm
    • Ovaries in the female reproductive system make eggs
    • Adrenal glands present above the kidneys make several hormones
    What is the role of testosterone?
    • During male puberty, testosterone helps to develop male sex characteristics such as body hair growth, voice deepening, and muscle development.
    • In adult males, it is responsible for fertility and helps in the development of sperm. It controls sex drive and muscle mass growth.
    • In females, it is responsible for the general growth and development of muscles, bones, and reproductive tissues.
    What is the normal range of testosterone in the blood?

    The units of measurement are ng/dl (nanogram per deciliter)

    In males:

    7-10 years: 1.80 – 5.68 ng/dl
    13- 17 years: 208.08 – 496.58 ng/dl
    19 years and older: 265 – 923 ng/dl

    In females:

    7-10 years: 2.69 – 10.29 ng/dl
    13- 17 years: 16.72 – 31.55 ng/dl
    19 years and older: 15 – 70 ng/dl

    What is the purpose of a testosterone test?

    It helps in ruling out:

    • The cause of male sexual disorders like erectile dysfunction or male infertility
    • The cause of male-like physical features in females such as body hair, voice deepening, or female infertility
    • Early puberty in children
    • Delayed puberty in teens
    • Monitoring the testosterone levels in transgenders taking hormone replacement therapy
    • Monitoring the health if you have had low testosterone levels in the past

    There are three types of blood tests to measure different types of testosterones:

    • A total testosterone test
    • A free testosterone test
    • A bioavailable testosterone test

    The testosterone in the blood gets itself attached to two types of proteins: albumin and sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG).

    Some of the testosterone is unattached and is called free testosterone. It is the active form of testosterone.

    Free testosterone and albumin-binding testosterone together are called bioavailable testosterone.

    Total testosterone measures both the free testosterone and the attached testosterone.

    Why should I get it done?

    If you’re having symptoms of high or low testosterone, you should get this test done.

    The symptoms of low testosterone in males are as follows:

    • Enlarged breast
    • Lack of muscle mass
    • Lack of body hair
    • Less beard hair
    • Low sex drive
    • Erectile dysfunction
    • Infertility
    • Chronic fatigue
    • Being overweight

    Females are usually checked for high testosterone levels.
    The symptoms of high testosterone in females are as follows:

    • Oily skin and acne
    • Darkening of skin
    • Irregular periods or absent periods
    • Enlarged clitoris
    • Excess of body hair
    • Hair loss like male pattern baldness
    • A voice that gets lower
    • Infertility
    What do the high levels of testosterone indicate?

    A testosterone level test cannot help in the diagnosis of the disease but could be a sign of many health problems.
    The high levels of testosterone in males may indicate:

    • Tumour of the testicles
    • Steroid intake
    • Tumor of adrenal glands

    A high level of testosterone in females may indicate:

    • An ovarian tumour
    • Tumour of the adrenal glands
    • Pituitary gland disorders
    • PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome)
    What do the low levels of testosterone indicate?

    Low testosterone levels in males could be a sign of many health disorders like thyroid disorders, genetic disorders, benign tumours, and many more.
    Low testosterone levels in males may be a sign of the following:

    • Chronic diseases such as kidney or liver disease
    • Pituitary gland disorders
    • Any trauma to testicles
    • Benign tumours
    • Alcoholism
    • Any genetic disorders such as Klinefelter Syndrome

    A low testosterone level in females may indicate a disorder of:

    • Pituitary gland
    • Adrenal gland
    • Ovaries
    Also Read: Progesterone Test

    For more information, you can visit Healthline and Testing.com.

    Testosterone Test

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    ** The text on this website is sourced from websites like emedicine and/or other verified material by government agencies around the globe along with valuable inputs and additions by our team. The content of this page is proofread and updated by the team of doctors, every once in a while, to provide the most accurate information.

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