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Development of Dentition in Children!

What is dentition in children? Let’s talk about this topic in this article. • The dentition is one of the most important part of human milestones. • Teeth start developing in the unborn baby. The good nutrition from the mother during pregnancy is important in tooth development. • Every...


Diagnosis and assessment of atopic dermatitis

Atopic dermatitis is a clinical diagnosis with no definitive laboratory test. Diagnosis is usually done by skin inspection. But to differentiate there are following criteria have been mentioned below: Diagnostic criteria for atopic dermatitis: Pruritis and at least three of the following are required: History of itch in skin...


Diagnosis Of Achalasia Cardia

How to diagnose achalasia cardia? These are the tests that are commonly used to diagnose achalasia cardia: Barium swallow: In this test, follow the path of swallowed foods and liquids after imaging of drinking barium. It will help in the visual image of the oesophagus. It shows a bird’s...


Diet And Lifestyle management of IBS

There are no specific diet plans for patients with IBS. You may have to try different things to check what suits you and what does not. Try some changes in your diet for several weeks and observe the improvement in your symptoms. Individuals with IBS should take care of...


Diet helpful in Crohn’s disease

Crohn disease is an inflammatory bowel disease. It causes inflammation of the lining of the digestive tract which can leads to abdominal pain, severe diarrhea and even malnutrition. The inflammation caused by Crohn’s disease spreads deep into the layers of affected bowel tissue. Symptoms – Diarrhea, Abdominal pain and...


Difference between UTERINE FIBROID and PCOD

What are Uterine Fibroids? What is PCOD or PCOS? Read this article till the end to understand the difference between uterine fibroid and pcod.• Uterine fibroids are also known as myomas, leiomyomas or fibromyoma. • The uterine fibroid growing on the wall of the uterus. • The oestrogen is the main hormone...


Diseases related to stress

Stress isn’t only a feeling. Stress isn’t in your head. It is built in physiologic response to a threat. When you are stressed, your body responds. Your blood vessels constrict which leads to high blood pressure and pulse rate. 1) Heart disease – Stress have direct effect on the...


Do You Have Diarrhoea? What to Eat Then!

What we can have while we have Diarrhoea? How to control it? What food is helpful in it? Read to know all of this! When you have diarrhoea, what to eat? Or what not to eat? are the only questions arises in everyone’s mind? Every individual has a confusion...


Does acne Bother you a lot? Here are some tips to get acne free skin

You can use makeup to cover up some facial flaws, but if you have serious acne on your face, you can’t completely hide it. You have no way to conceal your imperfections from people that judge you based on your appearance. Severe acne can affect a person’s confidence and...


Does obesity cause infertility?

Obesity immediately brings to mind associations with hypertension, diabetes and heart disease. Yet, most people are surprised to learn that there is an association between obesity and infertility. Obesity is defined by an extraordinarily high Body Mass Index (BMI) in which the index is a reflection of body fat...


Does Your Child Still Wet The Bed?

Don’t despair, if your teen is still wetting his bed at night. Bed wetting or nocturnal enuresis is a common problem that can last well up to the age of 14-years and is more common in boys than girls. The exact cause of nocturnal enuresis is not known. Various...


Don’t Let Asthma Spoil Your Festival

The festival brings more trouble to those who are suffering from asthma. Those between 6-12 years of age are more prone to an asthma attack during Diwali. Asthma is a condition in which inflammation of the bronchial tubes occurs with increased production of sticky secretions inside the tubes.


Don’t Allow Ear Infection Take Away Your Child’s Sleep

Otitis media (or more commonly ear infection) is defined as an infection of the middle ear and is the second most common ailment in children. Although otitis media can occur at any age but is commonly seen between the ages of 6 to 24 months. Otitis media is a...


Don’t let the weather change be a hindrance to your HEALTH!

Falling Leaves are summer’s way of waving farewell! Autumn is a second spring when every leaf is a flower. This is the season of the soul than of nature. With this beautiful season, there is a change in weather which affects health. Every season brings its own set of...


Dyslexia Symptoms by Age

Dyslexia is a specific learning disorder which affects both children and adults causing problems with reading, writing, and spelling. People with dyslexia find it difficult to break down words into simple sounds resulting in slow reading. It’s important to know that it’s not a problem of intelligence. Kids with...


Eat Well to Sleep Well | Eat Healthy | Sleep Healthy

Proper sleep causes long-term health and well-being. Insomnia leaving you drained and makes you unable to manage your business. If you toss and turn during the night instead of sleeping soundly? Then, surely your battle with sleeplessness might start at the dining table, not in the bedroom....


Effective Ways to Tackle Grief in 5 Stages

Learn how to cope with grief and how homeopathy works wonders in this condition. Read this article to find out how to tackle grief in 4 stages. Grief can affect body and reduce immunity. It is a proven science that bereavement causes symptoms like fatigue, weak memory, lack of...


Embarrassed Due to Unusual Redness of Your Face?

One might feel anxious or embarrassed because of unusual look of the skin of their face. Here in this article we will discuss about rosacea and how you can relieve yourself from this condition. Rosacea can be a distressing condition. Rosacea is a very common skin condition. People with...


Encephalitis – Everything You Should Know

What is encephalitis? Which organs does it affect? What are the causes? How is it diagnosed? How to treat encephalitis and how can it be prevented? Encephalitis is an inflammation of the brain. It is caused either by an infection invading the brain or immune system attacks the brain mistakenly...


Estrogen Hormone In Women

Estrogens are responsible for complete female sexual development, such as breast development  development and the menstrual cycle.


Everything You Should Know About Wheatgrass

Wheatgrass is the young grass of the wheat plant, scientifically known as Triticum aestivum. It is a food prepared from freshly sprouted first leaves of the Wheat plant. Wheatgrass is used in combination with other juices or


Exercise for the sake of your heart

Heart is a muscle that pumps blood around the body. It needs exercise to stay fit and perform its task efficiently. If we are not physically active our body loses strength and ability to function well. Beneficial effects of exercise on health: In the busy life of today giving...


Facts you should know about the re-emerging infectious disease: Chikungunya!

The word “chikungunya” comes f” or “to walk bent over,” describing the stooped appearance of patients with joint pain from the Makonde language means “that which bends up,” “to become contorted The chikungunya virus is predominantly transmitted by a bite of an infected female Aedes aegypti mosquito. The incubation...


Fight against Hirsutism with Homeopathy

Hirsutism is excessive hair growth in certain areas of a woman’s face and body, such as the mustache and beard area, that creates a “male pattern” of hair. Women normally can have fine, pale, faintly visible hair in these areas, but heavy hair growth in a male pattern with...


Food and Supplements for asthma control

1) People who eat fruits, green leafy vegetables, legumes, nuts, healthy fat had better asthma control. The fresh fruits and vegetables have anti – inflammatory properties that help to reduce swelling and inflammation in the lungs. Fruits and vegetables are low calorie foods which help to maintain a healthy...


Food for healthy hair and nails

Eat balanced, healthy diet which contains adequate amount of protein and plenty of vitamins and minerals. Hair and nails are dead tissue, so they are the last part of our body to receive nutrients. Healthy food is very essential for hair and nails. Tips for healthy hair and nails...


Food To Avoid If You Have Achalasia Cardia

Alcohol Patients with achalasia cardia should avoid alcohol intake. Chronic ethanol intake can cause permanent damage to the liver, kidneys, pancreas and even the throat. Achalasia cardia includes difficulty swallowing and chest pain do aggravate after drinking alcohol. Drinking alcohol always makes the condition worse. Alcohol causes inflammation in...


Foods For Healthy Wrinkle Free Skin

We all want a healthy skin always. And as we age, we definitely want a healthy wrinkle free skin. Everyone loves to look good. A face is the first part of the body which everyone looks at the mirror every morning to check for wrinkles. There are few super...


Foods help to prevent Anemia

Anemia is a disease which is caused by reduced hemoglobin level in the blood. It occur due to excessive blood loss, reduced production of red blood cell, iron –deficient diet, abnormalities in the upper gastrointestinal tract where most of the dietary iron is absorbed. Haem iron is obtained from...


Foods help to prevent Cataract

Cataract is a condition that affects people as they grow older. Cataract occurs when the clear lens of the eye gradually become opaque. This reduces the amount of light that enters into the eye and hence degrade vision. There are certain precautions taken in the early stages to maintain...


Foods That Control High Uric Acid Levels

Good nutrition is as important as cultivating healthy habits to reduce the risk of developing chronic lifestyle diseases that are becoming increasingly common. With our hectic schedules and convenient choices, having high uric acid levels is one such problem that many of us are facing these days. Uric acid...


Foods that will naturally cleanse your liver

The liver is one of the most important organs of the body. Its most important function involves breaking down and disposing of toxic substances. The released toxins is not expelled properly due to inefficiency of the liver which is simply reabsorbed. There are certain vegetables which contain ingredients help...


Foods to eat if you have Achalasia Cardia

Achalasia Cardia causes food and drinks to remain in the esophagus and not move into the stomach. Symptoms may include difficulty in swallowing, regurgitation, heartburn, chest pain, weight loss, and coughing. An altered diet can help in this condition. What foods are to be included if you have Achalasia...


Foods to prevent from Kidney disease

Eating a balanced diet is important for good health. There are some super foods which contain antioxidant and other health supporting properties. People with kidney disease having more inflammation and have a higher risk of cardiovascular disease than those without kidney problems. 1) Cabbage  • It is rich in...


Foods Which Boost Your Immune System

The immune system is a network of cells, tissues, and organs that work together to protect the body from infection. The human body provides an ideal environment for many microbes, such as viruses, bacteria, fungi, and parasites, and the immune system prevents and limits their entry and growth to...


Foods which help to prevent ulcers

A peptic ulcer is a sore in the inner lining of the stomach or upper small intestine. Ulcers develop when the intestine or stomach protective layer is broken down. When this happen digestive juice can damage the intestine or stomach tissue. These strong juices contain hydrochloric acid and an...


Frostbite Prevention | Management at Home

In this article, let us understand frostbite, the symptoms, the causes, frostbite prevention and the way to cope with it at home. Frostbite is a condition which result in damage to skin and tissue caused by exposure to cold temperature or freezing temperatures.   Frostbite can affect any part of...


Garlic: The Powerhouse of Our Immune System

Garlic is well known as a natural health remedy that has been used to treat various disease and also to stay protected from many types of health problems. Garlic can easily be included in any of our foods or a fresh clove of garlic can be eaten as it...


Get Freedom From Psoriasis With The Effective Way Of Homeopathy!

Psoriasis is a chronic inflammatory skin disease. Psoriasis is a non-contagious , autoimmune disease. Characteristic look of psoriasis is red patches on skin that is accompanied by silvery-white scales of dead skin cells.Psoriasis typically occurs on the knee, elbows, and scalp, and it can also affect the torso, palms,...


Get rid of white patches

When the skin loses the pigment melanin it results in white patches which are known as vitiligo or leucoderma. If the skin is exposed to the sun it will leads to white patches. It mostly affects the face around the eyes, nostrils, lips, mouth, hands, arms and legs. The...


Getting bald? Homeopathy will help you.

Hair loss or falling of hair from scalp is a very common occurrence these days. Hair is replaced at the same rate as it is lost in order to maintain a normal volume. But in excessive falling of hair due to any underlying cause hair lost is not replaced....


Ginger a powerhouse of health

Ginger, with its strong and spicy aroma, has its own place in Indian cuisine. Ginger may be used fresh or dried, powdered or pickled or in the form of juice or oil. Ginger tea is the most commonly used form, not to mention the ginger concoction given every time...


Give strength to your back

Frequent back pain is a sign of muscular imbalance. Read this article till the end to know the right moves and give strength to your back. There is a test to check the strength of your back. Stand with your back to a wall, shoulder blades pressed against it....


Golfer’s elbow: Here are some tips to prevent it

If inside of your elbow hurts, this condition is called medial epicondylitis that is also called Golfer’s elbow. Inflammation at that site occurs and the patient feels pain. Pain may be localized on the bony bump or may radiate along the forearm. What is golfer’s elbow? Golfer’s elbow is...


Green tea acts as a booster for brain

After black tea, green tea is the most consumed beverage. But as compared to black tea green tea is far more beneficial. Black tea’s processing needs fermentation process and green tea’s processing avoids fermentation process. As a result green tea contains loads of antioxidants and polyphenols that are very...


Hands Are The Most Important Part Of Your Body

Hands are the most important part of your body. We use our hands everyday and it is almost impossible to imagine our life without them. But what do we know about our most active parts of the body. The following are the most interesting facts about our hands that...


Head Control – An Important Milestone

During the first few months, your baby’s head needs a lot of support during as his neck muscles are fairly weak. Head control or the ability to hold his head up is an important milestone as it will help your baby to roll over, sit up, crawl and walk...


Healing PCOS Naturally With Diet

PCOS or Polycystic ovarian syndrome is an endocrine system disorder which affects woman’s hormone level. This means women with PCOS produce more-than-normal levels of male hormones, which causes a hormonal imbalance that leads to several health issues such as irregular menses, acne, weight gain, hair fall, etc.


Health Benefits of Drinking Alcohol

Excess alcohol consumption is not healthy but several studies have shown that mild to moderate alcohol intake is good for health. It should be noted that alcohol consumption and its benefits differ based on every individual’s body type and their constitution. Read this article till the end to find...


Health Benefits of Honey

Honey is considered to be one of the greatest gifts that nature has bestowed on man. It is not only healthy when consumed, but also very beneficial to your skin. Honey is used as an important skin care ingredient. Honey is obtained from the flowers. It is 80% sugar,...