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Suffering From Chest Congestion? Homeopathy can help
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    Chest congestion is a symptom that is present is a number of respiratory diseases. Chest congestion presents as rattling cough because of accumulation of mucus in the chest, wheezing sound during breathing, difficult breathing, suffocative spells, chest pain and difficulty in expectoration of accumulated mucus.

    In this article we will discuss symptoms of chest congestion and their homeopathic remedies.

    Common homeopathic remedies for chest cold and congestion:

    Arsenic album: homeopathic remedy arsenic album is indicative in those persons who experience suffocative spells at night time. Suffocation gets worse on lying down and better by sitting up. Whistling sound is heard in chest.

    Antim tart: the medicine for chest congestion one can bet upon is antim tart. It is one of the leading medicines for chest congestion. On coughing there is excessive rattling of mucus in chest. The patient is unable to expectorate the mucus in spite of much coughing. Patient has difficulty in breathing, he takes short breaths.

    Phosphorus: this medicine should not be used without consulting a physician; because a physician can only prescribe you the right potency otherwise it can aggravate the symptoms. This medicine is given in case of chest pain with chest congestion. Patient feels as if some weight is lying on the chest. Cough gets worse by talking, laughing and cold air. Patient requires cold drinks and ice creams.

    Bryonia Alba:this medicine is indicated in person who has difficulty breathing with cough. Slight motion worsens the difficulty in breathing. Patient feels better on rest. There is severe chest pain on coughing so patient has to hold chest while coughing. Much hawking is required in order to expectorate the mucus. Mucus is very thick.

    Chest congestion in infants:

    When there is incessant coughing and face of infant turns blue, there is severe wheezing, vomiting somewhat relieves the cough, then homeopathic medicine Ipecac is indicated. In case of cough attacks at night with nose blockage homeopathic medicine Sambucus is given. Medicine Chamomilla even when the child extremely irritable and feels better when carried around.

    Chest congestion in damp weather:

    Homeopathic medicine Natrum Sulph is best suited for chest congestion in damp weather. Indications for this medicine are difficulty in breathing, green colored mucus, pain in chest during coughing.

    Sudden chest congestion after exposure to cod air:

    When there is chest congestion after exposure to cold air Aconite is best medicine. Symptoms that are indicative of aconite are anxiety and restlessness with oppression in chest.

    Chest congestion with suffocative attacks:

    For suffocative attacks during chest congestion homeopathic remedies.

    Lachesis and Sambuccus are very effective. Lachesis is indicated when suffocative attacks are worse on lying down, patient rush towards an open window to get relief. Patient cannot bear tight clothing around neck or waist. Sambuccus is indicated when suffocative attack occurs while sleeping, patient wakes up breathless.

    Chest Congestion

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    We have a very efficient team of doctors which includes the right combination of highly experienced doctors and the doctors of the new age.

    Our main aim is to make the patient comfortable so that the case can be taken with ease and the patient be treated properly.

    ** The text on this website is sourced from websites like emedicine and/or other verified material by government agencies around the globe along with valuable inputs and additions by our team. The content of this page is proofread and updated by the team of doctors, every once in a while, to provide the most accurate information.

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