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6 Amazing Benefits of Chocolate
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    Due to its bad reputation for causing weight gain, a number of health benefits may be associated with this delicious treat.

    Chocolate is loaded with nutrients and have positive effect on your health. Read this article till the end to find out the amazing benefits of chocolate.

    Some salient features about chocolate:

    -Chocolate contain high levels of antioxidants.
    -Some studies reveal chocolate could lower cholesterol levels and prevent memory decline.
    -People who are seeking to lose or maintain weight should eat dark chocolate only in moderation.


    Eating chocolate may have the following benefits:

    -lowering cholesterol levels
    -preventing cognitive decline
    -reducing the risk of cardiovascular problems


    Eating chocolate may help reduce low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol levels, also known as “bad cholesterol.”
    Cognitive Function

    It may improve cognitive function in elderly people with mental impairment.
    Heart Disease

    Eating chocolate can lower blood pressure, thinning of the blood (reducing stroke risk) and have an anti-inflammatory effect. chocolate’s high content of chemicals called flavonoids.
    Regular intake of chocolate can improve your cardiovascular health.
    Better Athletic Performance

    Chocolate consumption boosts oxygen availability during athletic performance.
    Better Mood

    Chocolate also contains tryptophan, (an essential amino acid) that stimulates the production of serotonin, the brain’s natural anti-depressant. Chocolate also improves your mood, especially during stressful state.
    Relieves Cough

    Chocolate also contains a chemical called theobromine,which help to suppress a cough by acting on the vagus nerve,which carries messages from the central nervous system to the brain.

    Amazing Benefits of Chocolate

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    ** The text on this website is sourced from websites like emedicine and/or other verified material by government agencies around the globe along with valuable inputs and additions by our team. The content of this page is proofread and updated by the team of doctors, every once in a while, to provide the most accurate information.

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