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Homeopathy Usage

Homeopathy Usage

A qualified Homeopath mainly works on understanding the person as whole by recognizing the underlying cause.

Homeopathy does not seek to remove or suppress symptoms.

The goal of the homeopathy is to encourage the body to return to a natural state of balance and health.
Homeopathy is a well – defined system of medicine . A lot of disorders are being cured with homeopathy such as arthritis , all kinds of skin ailments , kids diseases and female disorders.

Homeopathy is holistic; as it treats the whole person and not just the disease or symptoms, symptoms are the body’s own attempt at self-healing and that any suppression of these symptoms will drive the disease further into the body.

Homeopathic medicines have been proven to be safe and effective in treating ailments serious and minor, acute and chronic, physical and emotional. Many rare and medically unexplained illnesses have been cured by homeopathy.

Homeopathy can also play an important part in preventing diseases.

The remedies are prepared to modern high standards of safety and are recognized as both complementary and alternative to conventional or allopathic medicines.

Homeopathy believes that every person reacts in a different way to same stimulus- which is known as ‘individualization ‘ in homeopathy.

Medicines naturally boosts the body’s healing process without any side affects .

It is not just the fact that the size of the present domestic homeopathy market has been placed around Rs 2,758 crore, but that with a 30 per cent annual increase, it will reach Rs. 4,600 crore in a few years. These figures place India second to France in the ranking of the homeopathy market.

Hahnemann published his ideas and experiences in a book called the Organon.

The first edition appeared in 1810 and he wrote the last edition in 1842. As was the custom in those days, he gave numbers to each paragraph in which he explained his different concepts.

Hahnemann’s fundamental concepts still hold true today nearly 200 years later.

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